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Improve your technical proficiency & problem solving skills by staying consistent and motivated. Set up a routine that works for you and stick to it. Here is an example of what you can do:


  • Write code! Commit something useful to GitHub to build a reputation and prove dedication and commitment on your timeline.
  • Dedicate time to stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies.
  • Explore a concept or topic of interest by reading a blog post, watching a video, listening to a podcast, reading a book, or simply reading the documentation.
  • Complete a few minutes of flashcards of topics of interest.
  • Write down something you have learned. Micro-blog it or save it for an actual blog post.
  • Track your progress. Keep a journal or log of your daily activities and accomplishments.


  • Set clear, specific, achievable, and measurable goals for the week. Write them down and track your progress.
  • Solve a coding challenge to reinforce your skills.
  • Start mastering common algorithms like sorting, searching and that of dynamic programming. Apply algorithms to online platform quizzes or puzzles, personal projects or contribute to open-source projects.
  • Reflect by evaluating your progress and set goals for the following week.


  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses in programming languages, data structures, and algorithms by completing one or more assessments. Refresh your core concepts, use online platforms (e.g., HackerRank, LeetCode) for self-assessment.
  • Practice explaining your thought process in mock technical interviews.
  • Create a blog post, audio file or video (or whatever) to share your learnings with the community.
  • Analyze and document the system design of a well-known application or write a clone of a popular application.

Desk with pixelated bonsai