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Master the language

Keep that curiosity alive, dive into the uncharted territories of new features, libraries, and frameworks in the programming language. Follow the wild adventures of industry news and updates; coding is like embarking on a quest, so pack your patience and persistence. Remember, in this coding odyssey, celebrate even the tiniest victories, and treat challenges as the plot twists that make your journey epic!


Curiosity is the secret sauce to learning. It fuels your desire to explore, experiment, and discover. It's the driving force behind innovation and progress. Cultivate curiosity to keep your learning journey exciting and fulfilling.


Tungstensaurus is set to become the ultimate treasure trove, brimming with a diverse array of resources including books, videos, podcasts, blogs, websites, and beyond. Let the collective wisdom flow—don't hold back from contributing valuable resources; after all, in this realm of knowledge, the more, the merrier!

To access the resources, check out the Resources section.



Embark on the first step of this epic journey by sizing up your skills. Conduct a self-exam, for your coding skills—identify your strengths and spots that could use a bit of leveling up. This evaluation will be your trusty map, steering you toward uncharted territories of improvement while showcasing the coding kingdoms where you already reign supreme. Knowing where you stand is like having a secret cheat code for crafting a focused and powerful plan to ascend the ranks on your quest to senior software engineer greatness. Let the skill assessment games begin!


Get an objective measure of your proficiency in programming and problem-solving. Get insights into strengths and areas for improvement, crucial for targeted learning plans and interview preparation.

Here's why and how you can go about it:

  1. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Embark on a self-discovery quest to assess your coding arsenal. Unveil both strengths and weaknesses for setting achievable goals. Engage in regular self-checks, seek wisdom from coding sages, and dive into practical projects.

    1. Lack of Depth in Core Concepts
      Dive deep into the realms of algorithms, data structures, programming paradigms, and industry etiquette. Avoid skimming the surface of fundamental coding.

    2. Limited Problem-Solving Skills
      Level up your wizardry in tackling complex problems and crafting efficient solutions.

    3. Ineffective Time Management
      Banish the chaos of missed deadlines and incomplete tasks with effective time management.

    4. Inadequate Code Quality
      Embrace modularity, follow best practices, and create a code masterpiece. Wave goodbye to code that's harder to decipher than ancient runes.

    5. Weaknesses in Specific Technologies
      Conquer struggles with specific languages, frameworks, or tools.

    6. Poor Documentation Practices
      Say no to code mysteries. Transcribe your coding epics in a way that even future generations, of yourself and others, will understand.

    7. Communication Challenges
      Level up your charisma stat by mastering the art of communicating technical concepts. Collaborate seamlessly with your coding comrades, business stakeholders and the peeps in the community.

    8. Limited Exposure to Real-world Projects
      Gain experience in slaying real-world coding challenges and applying knowledge in practical scenarios.

  2. Define Learning Objectives:
    Chart your learning adventure with SMART objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

  3. Choose Appropriate Learning Resources:
    Select resources that match your current wizardry level.

  4. Measure Progress Effectively:
    Periodically assess your skills to witness your growth. Adjust your magical strategies and throw a coding celebration.

  5. Boost Motivation:
    Witness your progress over time, and let the magic of learning propel you forward.

Remember that learning is a continuous process, and your skills will evolve with time and practice. Starting with an accurate assessment sets the foundation for a more targeted and effective learning experience.

Set Clear Goals

Embark on your coding quest with a map in hand—clear learning goals. Whether you seek to build a web wizard's tower, automate mystical tasks, or unravel the secrets of data sorcery, defining your goals is the first incantation in your learning spell. Here's how to conjure your goals with magic and purpose:

  1. Be SMART: Cast your goals with the wisdom of the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria. Ensure your objectives are as precise as divination spells, measurable as potion ingredients, achievable as spellcasting, relevant as enchanted artifacts, and time-bound as the phases of the moon.

  2. Be Specific: Articulate your desires with the precision of a sorcerer casting a spell. Whether mastering a programming language, conjuring a project, or acquiring specific skills, express your learning objectives explicitly. Instead of vague notions, like "improve coding skills," aim for specificity—set targets like "complete three coding projects using a new language within the next two moons."

  3. Break it Down: Divide grand quests into smaller, manageable tasks. If your goal is to "learn web development," break it down into sub-quests like "understand HTML basics," "master CSS for styling," and "learn JavaScript for interactivity." This turns daunting quests into achievable adventures.

  4. Set a Timeline: Add deadlines to your goals, creating a sense of urgency. Instead of vague timelines, like "learn a new framework," enchant it with a timeline like "complete the online tutorial for the new framework within the next three moons." Timelines provide structure, keeping your magical studies on course.

  5. Honor your Timeline: Treat your timeline like the gold it is. Respect them but if necessary, adjust them. If you're unable to meet a deadline, don't abandon your quest but be honest to find out why and how you can improve. You would probably need to reevaluate the difficulty of tasks to ensure they remain achievable.

  6. Prioritize: Prioritize goals like a potion master choosing ingredients. Focus on the most critical skills or knowledge first. This ensures your magical learnings align with the essence of your wizardry journey.

  7. Track & Celebrate Achievements: Regularly assess your progress, aligning with the constellations of your goals. Adjust timelines if the stars suggest, and celebrate small victories. Acknowledging progress fuels your motivation, sustaining your magical learning journey.

  8. Reflect and Iterate: Share your magical goals with fellow wizards, seeking counsel from mentors or online covens. Feedback shapes your goals based on collective magical experiences. Reflect on your learning journey, identifying opportunities for improvement. Use this reflection to adapt your goals and refine your magical approach.

With specificity, task-breaking charm, timelines, prioritization spells, progress tracking, and reflective enchantments, you weave a roadmap for your magical learning journey. Your goals become beacons, guiding your path through the enchanted realms of coding mastery, fostering consistent progress, and unlocking the doors to ever-expanding knowledge. May your learning journey be as magical as the pages of a spellbook unfolding!

Girl reading while sitting on many books

Learning Material


RTFM (Read The Freaking Manual) — dive into documentation as if it were the sacred guidebook of a mystical realm. This treasure trove reveals the secrets of programming languages and tools, guiding you through functions, features, and best practices. Just like deciphering a manual for enchanted gadgets, exploring documentation unveils the full potential of the technology you wield.

Online resources

Online coding platforms are your versatile companions on this coding odyssey. They offer skill mastery, real-world problem-solving, algorithmic thinking, language diversity, community engagement, interview prep, progress tracking, structured learning paths, and the flexibility to build a portfolio. These platforms create a dynamic, interactive learning environment catering to coding novices and seasoned sorcerers alike.


Certifications serve as the tangible seals of your coding mastery. They validate your expertise in domains like software development or cybersecurity, becoming reliable benchmarks for hiring decisions. Employers, like discerning wizards, seek these certificates as proof of your qualifications. Certifications not only open doors for career advancement but also showcase your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

Books, blogs, and videos

Enrich your online learning with the ancient scrolls of programming books and the contemporary scrolls of blogs. Books provide profound insights, while blogs share practical tips and real-world sagas. Delve into the realms of YouTube and educational websites, where video tutorials unfold visual demonstrations and explanations, enhancing your mystical understanding.

Use Artificial Intelligence

Jump on the buzz-wagon and start using AI tools like LLMs (ChatGPT, Bard, etc.) which provide an interactive and mind-bending approach to learning. By utilizing your common sense and fact-checking when needed, you can engage in discussions on diverse topics, from summarizing books to grasping the fundamentals of various subjects. It's a unique and intellectually stimulating way to enhance your understanding and explore the vast realms of knowledge.


Summon the magic of coding bootcamps for immersive learning experiences. These intensive enchantments accelerate your skill development, providing swift transformation on your coding journey.


Conjure connections in the mystical world of local meetups, conferences, and webinars. Networking unveils valuable insights and opportunities, offering a portal to the vibrant developer community. Join online coding covens like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit, where you can share knowledge, ask questions, and contribute to open-source spells.

Mock Interviews

Prepare for your coding quests with the art of mock interviews. These simulated experiences allow you to hone responses to technical challenges and behavioral scenarios. Platforms like Pramp and play the role of magical mentors, enhancing your performance in the grand arena of actual job interviews.

Now, let the learning material extravaganza unfold, and may your coding journey be filled with enchantment and discovery!


Don't just take my word for it; explore the SuperMemo guidelines.

  1. Delve into topics you genuinely comprehend.
  2. Prioritize understanding before committing information to memory.
  3. Begin with foundational concepts before tackling complexities.
  4. Keep questions straightforward for better understanding.
  5. Use visuals to enhance memory retention.
  6. Explore mnemonic techniques, like peg lists.
  7. Employ cloze deletion techniques for lists, sets, and enumerations (check out this video).
  8. Personalize your learning with relevant examples.
  9. Leverage the speed and power of cloze deletion.
  10. Approach similar topics from different angles to reinforce learning.
  11. Build comprehension during the learning process, creating cloze deletions for poorly understood phrases.
  12. Simultaneously learn and memorize (watch this video).
  13. Deal with complex items initially, simplifying incrementally based on priority and time.
  14. Use multiple cloze deletions for different formulations instead of mnemonic techniques (see Knowledge Darwinism).
  15. Effectively tackle lists, sets, and enumerations with cloze deletion (explained in this video).
  16. Personalize learning by adding your own stories to studied texts. Be creatively elaborate.
  17. Enhance understanding with external references.
  18. If enjoyment decreases, revisit these rules to identify possible violations impacting engagement.
  19. Strive for maximum applicability of acquired knowledge.
  20. Aim for the formulation of atomic memories set within a context of simplicity and comprehension.

Peg Lists

A peg list is a mnemonic technique that involves creating a set of pegs or anchors, each associated with a specific number or order. These pegs serve as memory aids to help recall information in a particular sequence. The idea is to link the items you want to remember with the pegs, making it easier to retrieve them later.

For example, if you have a list of items to remember in a specific order, you can create a peg list using numbers as pegs. Each number represents a vivid image or concept that you associate with the item you want to remember. When you recall the pegs, it triggers the memory of the associated items in the desired sequence.

Peg lists are particularly useful for remembering ordered information, such as a series of steps, items on a list, or key points in a presentation. The more creative and memorable the associations you create between the pegs and the information, the more effective this mnemonic technique becomes.

Cloze Deletion

Cloze deletion is a technique used in learning and memorization, particularly in the context of spaced repetition and flashcard-based learning systems. It involves slashing specific elements (words, phrases, or segments) from a piece of information, leaving gaps that you must fill in.

Original Text:    "The capital of France is Paris."
Cloze Deletion: "The capital of France is _."

The learner would then try to recall the missing word or phrase, reinforcing their memory and understanding of the concept. This technique is effective in promoting active recall and engagement, making it a popular method in educational settings and with tools like Anki or SuperMemo for creating personalized flashcards.

In the context of the 20 rules you provided, cloze deletion is recommended for handling lists, sets, enumerations, and for simplifying complex information during the learning process. It allows learners to focus on specific elements, test their understanding, and reinforce memory in a targeted manner.

Guide to working with Flashcards

Flashcards, the unsung heroes of learning, are here to rescue you from the labyrinth of difficult concepts. Brace yourself for an amusing guide on mastering the art of flashcards:

  1. Break Down Concepts:
    Identify those brain-bending components and slice them into bite-sized nuggets that can squeeze onto a flashcard without causing a textual traffic jam.

  2. Create Clear Questions:
    Turn each brain nugget into a crystal-clear question. For instance, if grappling with a programming concept, your flashcard might cunningly inquire, "What's the secret sauce behind the concept?"

  3. Use Both Sides:
    Don't be shy; spill the answers on the back of the flashcard. It's like a surprise pop quiz you give yourself, keeping boredom at bay while reinforcing the info from every angle.

  4. Visuals and Mnemonics:
    Spice up your flashcards with doodles, charts, or nifty mnemonic devices. It's like turning your study session into a graphic novel – memorable and way more entertaining. Check out and bytebytego for byte-sized information or visual mnemonic awesomeness.

  5. Regular Review:
    Make flashcard reunions a regular thing. Think of it as a spaced repetition rendezvous – the kind that sticks info into your long-term memory like a familiar jingle.

  6. Organize by Difficulty:
    Channel your inner quizmaster and sort your flashcards by difficulty. Wrestle with the brain-benders first; they're like the boss battles of understanding complex concepts.

  7. Practice Actively:
    Don't just stare at the flashcards; challenge your brain to a recall duel. It's like a mental sparring session, making sure you truly own the material.

  8. Group Related Concepts:
    Form flashcard alliances – group the related ones together. It's like a study party where concepts mingle, revealing the grand tapestry of your understanding.

  9. Use Digital Tools:
    Time to embrace the digital side of flashcards. Fancy algorithms, progress tracking, and the luxury of switching devices – it's like flashcards 2.0.

  10. Teach Others:
    Play professor with your flashcards. Imagine you're enlightening a fellow human about the wonders of your chosen concept. It's not just studying; it's an Oscar-worthy performance.

  11. Update as You Learn:
    Don the hat of a flashcard maestro. Tweak, add, or jettison cards as your understanding deepens. Your flashcards should be like a reflection of your evolving brainpower.

  12. Stay Consistent:
    Consistency is your secret weapon–to anything really. Regularly revisit and sprinkle in new flashcards – it's the magic potion for keeping your brain in learning mode.

Flashcards are your learning sidekick, adapting to your whims and fancies. Dive into the world of flashcard artistry, experiment with formats, and relish the satisfaction of conquering those pesky concepts with a grin.

Digital tools

Check out 12 Best Flashcard Apps to Help You Learn Faster in 2024 by Geekflare.

  • AnkiDroid Flashcards
  • Brainscape Flashcards
  • Gizmo

Practice regularly

Becoming a coding maestro is not about theory alone; it's about turning that theory into a dazzling symphony of practical prowess. Here's your ticket to the practice playground:

  1. Coding Challenges
    Embark on coding adventures with platforms like HackerRank, LeetCode, or CodeSignal. It's like a digital quest that hones your problem-solving skills and sprinkles syntax magic.

  2. Pet Projects
    Craft personal coding escapades that align with your interests. Whether it's a task management app, a recipe-sharing extravaganza, or a social media clone, let your creativity run wild. Look for ideas and inspiration online using products like Product Hunt or Reddit. One such search returned an article from with 50 cool web and mobile project ideas for 2022.

  3. Build a Portfolio
    Create a portfolio that's like the treasure map showcasing your coding conquests. It's not just proof of your skills; it's the grand exhibition of your coding kingdom for potential employers.

  4. Open Source Contributions
    Join the coding fellowship of open source projects on GitHub. Dive into collaborative coding, dance with code reviews, and embrace the real-world rhythms. Dip your toes by exploring the project's documentation, issues, and contributing guidelines. Gradually contribute, fix bugs, enhance docs, or add new features. Engage in discussions; it's like earning XP in the world of open source.

  5. Internships or Freelance Work
    Embark on real coding odysseys with internships or freelancing. It's the portal to hands-on experience, a peek into industry secrets, and a chance to share the stage with coding maestros.

  6. Hackathons and Coding Challenges
    Join epic coding duels known as hackathons. These battles present real-world problems and tight deadlines, pushing you to transform theory into a swift sword of practical application.

  7. Simulation Platforms
    Step into the virtual realm with simulation platforms. Platforms like AWS, Docker, or Kubernetes offer a backstage pass to hands-on experience with cloud wizardry.

  8. Pair Programming
    Dance the coding tango with pair programming. It's like a collaborative dance where knowledge swirls, and coding principles pirouette in real-time.

  9. Continuous Learning
    Don't just stop; let the learning beats play on. Stay tuned to industry trends and tech symphonies. Continuous learning ensures your practical skills groove with the latest industry beats.

Combine these strategies, and you're not just learning; you're crafting a masterpiece of practical prowess. Welcome to the practice playground, where theory meets its match!

Track your progress

Navigating the coding cosmos is a thrilling journey, and tracking your progress is your compass. Here's your guide to mapping the stars of your coding odyssey:

  1. Keep a Learning Journal:
    Unleash the scribe within and maintain a learning journal. Chronicle your conquests – new concepts conquered, projects completed, and challenges vanquished. It's not just a log; it's a scroll of your coding saga, letting you relive the epic moments.

  2. Use Task Lists or To-Do Lists:
    Transform your goals into a quest. Create task scrolls or digital quest logs. Break down colossal goals into manageable quests, and triumphantly check them off. Whether wielding a digital sword or an ancient pen, visualize your conquests and celebrate each victory.

  3. Regular Self-Assessment:
    Periodically embark on self-quests to assess your skills. Solve coding riddles, conquer quizzes, or revisit ancient projects. Identify the realms where you've ascended and the dungeons still awaiting your conquest. It's the compass recalibration for your coding journey.

  4. Seek Feedback:
    Hoist your code banner and let others witness your coding banner unfurled. Seek feedback from the coding council in your community. Constructive critiques are the magic potions that enhance your coding charm and refine your spellcasting technique.

Inscribe these methods into your coding scrolls, and you'll have a tangible map of your journey. Boosted confidence and insights await, guiding you to the undiscovered realms where your coding prowess shall reign supreme.


Mentorship can provide personalized guidance, career advice, and insights into the industry for you and others. Here are some tips for seeking and offering mentorship:

Be Mentored

  1. Identify Your Goals
    Clearly define your goals and areas where you seek guidance. Knowing what you want to achieve helps you find a mentor with relevant expertise.

  2. Networking
    Attend industry events, join online communities, and engage with professionals in your field. Networking provides opportunities to connect with potential mentors.

  3. Be Genuine and Specific
    When approaching potential mentors, be genuine about your intentions and specific about what you hope to learn or gain from the mentorship.

  4. Utilize Professional Platforms
    Platforms like LinkedIn offer opportunities to connect with professionals in your industry. Send personalized connection requests and express your interest in mentorship.

  5. Ask for Advice, Not Just Mentorship
    Start by asking for advice rather than directly seeking a mentor. This can lead to organic mentorship relationships as you build rapport.

Be the Mentor

  1. Establish Expertise
    Develop expertise in a particular area of your field to offer valuable guidance. Mentorship is effective when the mentor has relevant experience and knowledge.

  2. Express Availability
    Make it known that you are open to mentoring. This can be through your professional network, social media, or mentorship platforms.

  3. Participate in Mentorship Programs
    Many organizations and online platforms facilitate mentorship programs. Joining such programs provides a structured framework for mentoring.

  4. Be Approachable
    Create an approachable and supportive demeanor. Mentees are more likely to seek guidance when they feel comfortable and supported.

  5. Share Your Experiences
    Share your own experiences, successes, and challenges. This personal touch makes the mentorship more relatable and valuable.

  6. Encourage Learning and Growth
    Encourage mentees to set goals, provide resources for learning, and guide them in their professional development.

Remember, mentorship is a two-way street. Both seeking and offering mentorship require effective communication, a genuine interest in growth, and a commitment to learning and sharing knowledge.

Peer Feedback

Peer feedback is essential for personal and professional growth, offering diverse perspectives, insights, and constructive criticism. Asking for feedback is crucial as it provides an external viewpoint, helping you identify blind spots and areas for improvement.

When seeking feedback, be specific in your request, asking questions related to communication, collaboration, and technical aspects. Encourage honest and specific feedback by framing your questions around areas that align with your growth objectives. Focus on actionable insights that can guide your development, both as an individual and as a team member.

Regularly seeking and incorporating peer feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration within a work environment, contributing to overall team success.


Embarking on the mentorship quest can unlock personalized guidance, career alchemy, and insights from the wise wizards of the industry. Here are the scrolls of wisdom for seekers and bestowers of mentorship:

Seeking Mentorship

  1. Identify Your Goals
    Crystalize your goals, outlining the realms where you seek wisdom. Knowing your quest guides you to mentors with the right enchantments.

  2. Networking
    Traverse industry events, join online guilds, and commune with professionals. Networking unveils portals to potential mentors and fellow apprentices.

  3. Be Genuine and Specific
    Approach potential mentors with sincerity and specificity. Clearly articulate your aspirations and what mystical knowledge you crave from the mentorship cauldron.

  4. Utilize Professional Platforms
    Cast your charm on platforms like LinkedIn. Send personalized scrolls expressing your interest in the ancient art of mentorship.

  5. Ask for Advice, Not Just Mentorship
    Begin with seeking advice, not mentorship directly. Let the mentorship bond weave organically as you share tales and build camaraderie.

Offering Mentorship

  1. Establish Expertise
    Cultivate mastery in your chosen arcane arts to offer potent guidance. Mentorship thrives when the mentor possesses the elixir of experience and wisdom.

  2. Express Availability
    Declare your mentorship aura. Spread the word in professional realms, social scrolls, or mentorship summoning platforms.

  3. Participate in Mentorship Programs
    Enlist in programs that orchestrate the dance of mentors and apprentices. Joining such gatherings provides a structured stage for mentoring spells.

  4. Be Approachable
    Craft an aura of approachability. Let aspiring sorcerers feel the warmth of your mentorship hearth, inviting them to seek your arcane counsel.

  5. Share Your Experiences
    Weave tales of your adventures, victories, and challenges. The personal touch transforms mentorship into a shared journey through the enchanted realms.

  6. Encourage Learning and Growth
    Guide apprentices to set their compass for growth, provide scrolls of knowledge, and watch them flourish under your mentorship spell.

Remember, mentorship is a magical dance. Both apprentice and sorcerer need the language of effective enchantment, a sincere desire for growth, and an unyielding commitment to the dance of learning and sharing knowledge.

Peer Feedback

In the grand carnival of personal and professional growth, peer feedback is the confetti that adds color and sparkle. Seek the wisdom of diverse voices, constructive critiques, and perspectives from your fellow carnival-goers.

When summoning feedback, be specific in your incantation. Pose questions that unveil insights on communication, collaboration, and technical wizardry. Encourage honest revelations to unveil hidden realms and uncharted territories.

Regularly summoning and incorporating peer feedback transforms your journey into an ever-evolving spectacle, contributing to the grand tapestry of shared success within the mystical realms. Onward, fellow wizards!