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Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but both should depend on abstractions. Additionally, abstractions should not depend on details; details should depend on abstractions.

DIP suggests that the overall structure of a system should not rely on the specifics of its individual components. Instead, both high-level and low-level components should depend on abstract interfaces, allowing for flexibility and interchangeability.

When to Use the Principle:

  • Decoupling Dependencies:
    Apply DIP when aiming to decouple high-level and low-level modules, fostering a design where changes in one module do not directly affect the other.

  • Abstraction Over Implementation:
    Use DIP when designing systems to depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations, enabling easier adaptation to changes in details.

  • Plug-and-Play Modules:
    Apply DIP when creating plug-and-play modules, allowing for the introduction of new components without altering the existing structure.

  • Ease of Testing:
    Use DIP to facilitate unit testing by enabling the use of mock objects or test doubles that adhere to the same abstractions as the actual components.


  • Well-Defined Abstractions:
    Ensure that the abstractions used in DIP are well-defined and represent cohesive sets of functionalities. This is crucial for maintaining a clear and consistent design.

  • Avoiding Violations:
    Be mindful of violating DIP by allowing high-level modules to depend on low-level details directly. Such violations can lead to a lack of flexibility and hinder maintainability.

  • Abstraction Hierarchy:
    Consider the hierarchy of abstractions in the system. Strive for a balance that allows for flexibility without introducing unnecessary complexity.


  • Flexibility in Component Substitution:
    DIP promotes flexibility by allowing components to be easily substituted with alternative implementations that adhere to the same abstractions.

  • Reduced Dependency Coupling:
    The principle reduces direct dependencies between high-level and low-level components, resulting in a more modular and maintainable system.

  • Easier Adaptation to Changes:
    DIP makes it easier to adapt to changes in details or components, as long as the new implementations adhere to the established abstractions.


  • Abstraction Overhead:
    Introducing abstractions as per DIP may add initial design overhead. Finding the right level of abstraction without overcomplicating the system is a balancing act.

  • Learning Curve:
    Developers need a good understanding of abstraction concepts and the proper application of DIP. This might result in a learning curve for teams new to the principle.

  • Development Time:
    Adhering to DIP may require additional design effort initially. However, the long-term benefits in terms of flexibility and maintainability often outweigh this trade-off.

Code Example

# DIP-compliant code structure

# Abstraction representing a device
class Device:
def turn_on(self):

def turn_off(self):

# High-level module depending on abstraction
class RemoteControl:
def __init__(self, device: Device):
self.device = device

def power_on(self):

def power_off(self):

# Low-level module implementing abstraction
class Light(Device):
def turn_on(self):
print("Light turned on")

def turn_off(self):
print("Light turned off")

# Usage of DIP-compliant structure
light = Light()
remote_control = RemoteControl(light)

remote_control.power_on() # Works as expected
remote_control.power_off() # Works as expected

In this example, the RemoteControl high-level module depends on the abstraction Device. The Light low-level module implements the Device abstraction. This adheres to the Dependency Inversion Principle, allowing for flexibility and interchangeability of devices without directly coupling high-level and low-level components.