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Curious Programmer brings you


A quest to fill the gap to becoming a full-stack senior software engineer.

You need to face challenges!

It's expected that you have a deep and broad understanding of the technologies and tools relevant to your field.

You can't do it alone!

You need to understand the importance of collaboration and the value of a strong and diverse network.

It's not just about age!

Seniority is about the ability to solve problems and Tungstensaurus is a collaborative project offering high-speed cutting tools and resources to level up your engineering skills.

Why Tungestensaurus?

What a strange name you may say. Well, Tungsten is a chemical element with the symbol "W" and atomic number 74. It is a dense, hard, and steel-gray metal known for its high melting point.

High-speed cutting tools

Tungsten is commonly used in the production of various alloys, including those used in the manufacture of lightbulb filaments, electrical contacts, and high-speed cutting tools which I have used as my inspiration for the name of this project.


It's a quest

I want to share high-speed cutting-edge tools that you can use to cut through the noise and extract the information you need to become a Senior Software Engineer. It's a quest and thirst for knowledge and growth in my field.


Am I a Senior Software Engineer?

CoPilot being an 🍑 says that "if you are asking yourself this question, the answer is probably no. If you are not sure, you are not senior." I suppose it could be true to a degree, perhaps. Or maybe not entirely. What are your thoughts?

Seniority is earned through experience and knowledge, not self-designated. It involves continuous growth, learning, mentoring others, making decisions, and taking responsibility, transcending repetitive experience.


What is a Senior Software Engineer?

Someone who is highly experienced in software development and is crucial for designing and maintaining complex solutions. Beyond technical duties, they often lead, mentor, and contribute to project success through architectural decisions.

They are often involved in the hiring process and are responsible for the technical growth of the team. They are expected to be able to work independently, make decisions, and take responsibility for their work.


How do I become a senior?

Becoming an adept senior software engineer requires dedicated practice and a substantial time investment. While there are no shortcuts, consistent effort can expedite the learning process and foster growth.

Tungstensaurus provides valuable resources for those aspiring to excel in their journey toward becoming outstanding senior software engineers. It is my resource for my personal quest to fully understanding what it means to be a senior software engineer.